Ppta Collective Agreement Registration Fees

Ppta Collective Agreement Registration Fees

“The teachers who are concerned are those who are unlucky to see their registration fall when the contract is negotiated. In fact, during the last contract, they are treated differently from any other teacher. The only way to give them equity is for the school to pay them back,” O`Connor wrote to Holsted. If you are having difficulty with the login process, please send an email webmaster@ppta.org.nz – please provide your MoE number as much as possible. As of the end of these agreements, the certification fee is no longer paid by the Ministry of Education, which requires you to pay the fees yourself. Education Payroll should continue to deduct your PPTA subscriptions, but this doesn`t always happen. Please inform membership@ppta.org.nz if you change your contract or school – this can also be a change in contracts within the same school (for example.B. become permanent, switch between part-time and full-time, renew a temporary job, become a principal). You are always paid through your school.

Your school receives funding under the corresponding collective agreement while you are on study leave. If schools are unaware of the CHT or appear to be implementing it in a compromising and trustworthy manner, please tell us at enquiries@ppta.org.nz The study price for which you can apply depends on the collective agreement under which you are employed. All teachers must use the TCS, as their registration is due. The price does not include additional fees related to the study, for example. B course or moving and moving expenses. Some teachers are upset that the Ministry of Education will not pay for their registration to be renewed when there are labour negotiations and no agreement is reached. For more information, see Temporary Agreements: Guidelines on the Employment Relations Act (PDF) The removal of NCEA tariffs is a step towards bringing out the best children in New Zealand schools, said Jack Boyles, President of the PPTA. Read more >> One of the provisions obtained in the 2015/16 Agreements of the Secondary Teachers` Collective Agreement (STCA), the Area School Teachers` Collective Agreement (ASTCA), the Secondary Principals` Collective Agreement (SPCA) and the Area School`s Collective Agreement (ASPCA) was that the Ministry of Education pay all practical certification fees for teachers and headteachers who would be covered by these agreements. James Morris, president of the second physician, said: “I am pleased that principals now have a collective agreement. We can now focus on what matters. help each of our students reach their full potential.

More >> “When compiling our collective demands, our members really focused on a significant increase in wages, teaching time and workload management. That`s what worries them the most,” said Lynda Stuart, President of the NZEI. Under the high school teachers` collective agreement, which expired last month, the ministry agreed to take over the tab for teacher renewal of professional certificates. This was achieved under the “billing conditions” in 2015 and not under the collective agreements themselves. As such, it was not automatically overwhelmed when these agreements expired and we were not able to win a similar clause in this round of negotiations.