Political Agreement Po Polski

Political Agreement Po Polski

We really had a more or less immediate agreement. With this week`s employment contract, the city has signed a contract for about two-thirds of its staff. With hotel management and unions so far apart on several issues, the two sides are not expected to reach a contractual agreement quickly. The Accord (Polish: Porozuminie) [6] is a liberal social-conservative political party in Poland. It was created in November 2017 under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher Education Jarosław Gowin[7] as an extension of Gowin`s former party, Poland Together, before changing its name. It is allied with the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party as a member of the informal Coalition of the United Right [8], and all its deputies and senators sit on the Law and Justice Parliamentary Club. In the 2020 presidential elections, the agreement supported the candidacy of incumbent President Andrzej Duda and party activists, including Adam Bielan, joined its electoral committee. In April 2020, following the COVID-19 pandemic, the leadership of the agreement insisted on the implementation of an appropriate amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, so that Andrzej Duda`s term of office would be extended by two years, without this giving in return the possibility of re-election. The agreement`s deputies called for the approval of all parliamentary parties and invoked the legal requirement of a 2/3 super-majority to implement their postulate. Despite the positive recognition of law and justice, Jarosław Gowin announced that he was resigning from his ministerial post, as he had not received the political support of any of the clubs opposed to the postponement, while affirming that the coalition would be maintained. [24] On the recommendation of his party, the post of deputy prime minister was transferred to Jadwiga Emilewicz, one of the vice-presidents of the agreement. [25] In the following days, Wojciech Murdzek took up the temporarily vacant post of Minister of Science and Higher Education. [26] “We wanted to give everyone more time to work out an agreement.” But what happens when you choose one and can`t make a deal with it? But a contractual agreement was reached in January…