Nurses Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

Nurses Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

With the 2016 company agreement, ANMF, VHIA and DHHS agreed on an eight-year wage contract. These include historic salary increases of up to 26.72% in 2019, which brought the salaries of Victorian nurses and midwives to net pay equity with their Counterparts in New South Wales. The agreed salary increases for the EBA 2020-24 in 2016 are 3% in December 2020, 2021 and 2022. Nearly 2,000 Victorian public sector nurses and midwives voted overwhelmingly in favour of a proposal to resolve their bargaining demands for 2020-24. In the 23-year history of union negotiations, this is only the second of seven EBA campaigns that have not involved union measures to reduce safe numbers. This is because in 2015 the Andrews government enshrined the relationship between nurses and midwives in legislation. Lisa Fitzpatrick, Secretary of the ANMF (Vic Branch), said: “Not having to fight for a safe workforce means we have been able to continue to conduct some of the most productive EBA negotiations since our first agreement in 1997.” Almost all the clauses of our agreement of more than 170 laterals have been updated, modified or completely revised in order to improve the conditions and claims and above all to clarify things in order to reduce misinterpretations and disputes,” she said. “Victorian nurses and midwives maintain net pay equity with their NSW counterparts and have improved benefits and conditions and improved measures to prevent violence and aggression.” Launceston Church Grammar School Enterprise Agreement 2020-2021 ANMF members had approximately 170 claims covering definitions; walking; allowances; midwifery governance; predictable schedules; fatigue and overtime; dispute resolution; recruitment and retention initiatives; education and professional development; maximize permanent employment; occupational safety and health; and equality between women and men. Calvary Home Care Nursing Staff Enterprise Agreement 2019 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) recommended the proposal at a virtual national meeting of members on April 16. . .
