Mar Mikhael Agreement

Mar Mikhael Agreement

“This agreement, which brought together the hearts, minds and will of two major Lebanese groups, has had a decisive influence on the achievement of security, civil peace and political stability,” the party said. Hezbollah eventually took advantage of the deal by taking back its advantages, while not respecting its own part of the deal. As a result, FPM leader Gebran Bassil claimed a few months ago that his party disagreed with Hezbollah on an important point of the fourth clause of the agreement: the promise of state-building. NNA – Member of the parliamentary bloc “Change and Reform”, MP Amal Abu Zeid, said tuesday on the occasion of the 12th Commemoration of the signing of the Mar Mikhael agreement between the Free Patriotic Movement and Hezbollah, according to which the longevity of this agreement shows that it was not put into effect for a short time or for close interests. He stressed that “the Mar Mikhail agreement was not a simple meeting between political leaders, but rather proved in recent years that it was an opportunity for great rapprochement, commitment and trust between the popular bases of Hezbollah and the FPM.” First, any form of political assassination is condemned and rejected for its violation of fundamental human rights, the most important foundations of Lebanon`s existence, represented by difference and diversity, as well as the nature of democracy and its practice. To the extent that we condemn the assassination of His Excellency the martyred President Rafik Hariri and all the assassination and assassination attempts that preceded and followed the assassination of Mr. Gibran Tueni, we therefore insist on the importance of continuing the investigation according to the officially authorized mechanisms to reveal the truth. This is a subject that cannot be subject to compromise, because it is a necessary condition for obtaining justice and serving it against criminals and putting an end to the circulation of murders and bombings. That is why it is an obligation to dissociate these subjects from all attempts, to exploit them politically, which would harm their nature and the nature of justice, which must remain above any political conflict or disagreement.

“We agree on foreign policy issues and we will remain a guarantee for Hezbollah in Lebanon if the country is confronted with aggression from Israeli or terrorist groups. But unfortunately, in national issues, we encounter decisions that do not contribute to the construction of the Lebanese state,” Bassil lamented. “This gives greater importance to this understanding and makes it a gateway to bringing all Lebanese together in a way that transforms Lebanon into an arena of agreement and understanding. That is why it is important to show the utmost firmness to preserve this agreement and maintain it in the face of foreign forces that have tried and are still trying to attack and undermine it,” Hezbollah said. He finally said that the agreement between the FPM and Hezbollah had opened the door to political agreements with the Lebanese forces and then the Future movement. The so-called Mar Mikhael agreement of February 2006 between Michel Aoun, now Lebanese president, and Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah was essentially based on a political compromise: Hezbollah would help Aoun reach the presidency and the FPM would be accused of Hezbollah`s local and regional strategic decisions and retain its militia. . . .