Learning Agreement Erasmus Vorlage

Learning Agreement Erasmus Vorlage

If recognition changes are made to table B2). Changes can also be confirmed by e-mail by the host school and your department. For student mobility, the Learning Agreement should set out how the traineeship will be recognised depending on whether it counts towards the student`s degree, is taken on a voluntary basis (not obligatory for the degree) ou is being carried out by a recent graduate. See the guidelines below. In the case of a stay abroad for study purposes, the learning agreement defines the components of education which, if the programme is carried out abroad, are replaced by the students` graduation certificate (see guidelines below). The learning agreement is concluded between the sending university and the host institution and is only valid after the signature of the students and specialist coordinators at the JLU and the host university. The recognition form that replaces Table D of the learning agreement allows you to recognize your achievements at the JLU. This is based on your transcript of the records as well as the learning agreement before and, if applicable, the mobility due. On page 1, you must complete your data as well as those of your host school..

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