Domiciliation Agreement

Domiciliation Agreement

They shall provide the tax office and the bodies responsible for collecting social security contributions on a quarterly basis with a list of persons domiciled on their premises or who have completed their residence during that period and, each year before 15 January, a list of persons domiciled from 1 January. For his part, counsel for the respondent argued that all the conditions required for the assignment of the order to the respondent were met. This is due to the fact that the assignment of the contract is entirely in writing and the complainant was aware of the assignment. Counsel argued that the applicant was required to pay the respondent the interest on the loan agreement with the contractor. Defence counsel argued that the court could not review the briefs to determine the question of jurisdiction. 6 personal residence or, in the case of a legal person, any change in its corporate form or purpose, or the names and personal addresses of persons usually entitled to engage it, an extract from the current certificate of registration of the business (Kbis) must be submitted within two months of this modification. In the absence of a derogation agreement, NEUILLYDOM may terminate this contract with immediate effect if it deems it appropriate. Fees are paid on the birthday. In the case of an option for an annual fee, it is paid in advance on the occasion of the anniversary of the contract. DEPOSIT: after the signature of this agreement, THE DOMIZIL COMPANY PAYS AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THREE TIMES THE FEE PROVIDED FOR BY THE SPECIAL CONDITIONS. This amount is intended to protect NEUILLYDOM in the event of a breach of one of the commitments entered into by domiciled COMPANY.

This amount is maintained throughout the duration of the contract and constitutes an essential condition of the contract, without which it would not have been concluded and must therefore be paid when the contract is signed. At the end of the latter, this deposit is refunded after deduction for all amounts that may be due to NEUILLYDOM. It does not exempt the DOMIZILGESELLSCHAFT from the payment of all rents until the scheduled date of termination. 5. TERM: This agreement is entered into for a period of. Month (at least three months). It is then tacitly renewed, unless it is terminated by one of the parties by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, with a period of three months from receipt of the notification. In the event of termination at the initiative of the DOMIZILGESELLSCHAFT, the latter must attach to its registered letter a photocopy of an extract from its commercial register certificate relating to the erasure or transfer of the registered office, issued by the Trade and Companies Register or by the Business Financial Centre. A termination is not accepted without the presentation of such administrative documents and the invoicing continues until the COMPANY DOMIZILGESELLSCHAFT NEUILLYDOM provides these supporting documents. In addition, NEUILLYDOM reserves the right to terminate this contract without notice in any of the following four events: – the activity or statements of DOMIZIL COMPANY prove to be illegal or false; – the conduct of DOMIZIL is illegal or incorrect; – The behavior of the DOMIZILÉE COMPANY is likely to disrupt the proper functioning of NEUILLYDOM, – In case of non-payment of a monthly payment on the due date.

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