Credit Assignment Agreement Sample

Credit Assignment Agreement Sample

2.8. AV Marketplace provides the transferee with the opportunity to become familiar with the translation of a standard loan agreement on the platform i under which the loan agreement was concluded. The translation of a standard loan agreement is attached as Appendix 1 7.2 to this Agreement. In the event of the insolvency of the credit issuer or partner or the default of the credit issuer or partner in accordance with the cooperation agreement between the lender, the partner and AV Marketplace, the AV Marketplace assignee, in its capacity as agent, irrevocably authorises the borrower to inform the borrower of the assignment of the claim on behalf of the buyer and to require the borrower: to continue to make all payments resulting from the right to AV Marketplace or, in the event of transfer of the management of the claim by AV Marketplace to a third party, from a third party as trustee of the buyer. The assignee authorizes AV Marketplace to send the borrower notifications of assignment of the receivable. allocate between the partner, on the one hand, and other creditors who hold claims on the borrower at the time of receipt of payment from the borrower, all funds received under the loan agreement and derived from debt recovery; 2.2. Under this Agreement, the lender acknowledges and warrants that it has transferred to the Partner, prior to the conclusion of this Agreement, all claims in the Loan Agreement, part of which is assigned to the pensioner under this Agreement. All claims in the loan agreement have been transferred in full to the partner under the legislation in force. The partner exercises all the rights and obligations of the creditor in the loan agreement.

The credit operator confirms that the partner is the sole owner of the total claim of the loan agreement and that it will dispose of it at its discretion. 8.3.1. The repayment of the loan received shall be distributed in proportion to the amount of each creditor`s claim on the borrower; 13.2. Av Marketplace has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract at any time during the period of validity of the contract, by sending a notification to the buyer`s e-mail address and to the lender and partner at the registered address. at least 10 (10) business days in advance. 7.1.4. in the event of the insolvency of the credit issuer or partner, or default of the credit issuer or partner in accordance with the cooperation agreement concluded by and between the lender, the partner and av Marketplace, to take over the management of the claim in accordance with this agreement and to remind the partner of the buyer`s authorisation. As Av Marketplace has taken over the management of the partner`s right, AV Marketplace is authorized and the buyer irrevocably authorizes AV Marketplace to transfer the management of the claim to third parties at AV Marketplace`s discretion. . . .