Asean Agreement On Disaster Management And Emergency Response (Aadmer)

Asean Agreement On Disaster Management And Emergency Response (Aadmer)

Mr. Dato Lim also urged the ASEAN Committee for Disaster Management (ACDM) to sow the seeds of cooperation with all stakeholders and maintain these relationships with a common goal of disaster damage reduction and building a disaster-resilient ASEAN. 33. ASEAN Secretariat, “On ASEAN: Overview”, online: ASEAN . 25. AADMER Work Programme 2016-2020, 16 December 2015, online: ASEAN at 5 [AADMER Work Programme 2016-2020]. 50. ASEAN Secretariat, “ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management (AMMDM)”, online: ASEAN . 48h Bangkok Declaration, 8 August 1967, online: ASEAN . 98. ECOWAS-ASEAN Exchange, online: Humanitarian Futures Programme . The development of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Measures is under way.

Following the mandate of the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management in early December 2004, the ACDM met in Bali, Indonesia, on 22 and 24 March 2005, to discuss and negotiate the draft regional agreement. The second negotiating meeting was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, from 9 to 10 May 2005. The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Measures is expected to be concluded and signed by mid-2005. “By implementing the AADMER Work Programme 2021-2025, I am confident that we can build greater resilience to ASEAN`s vision of becoming the global leader in disaster management by 2025,” he added. 38. Alisa TANG, “After a Decade of Disasters, UN Shifts Its Asia Operations” Reuters (29 June 2015), online: Reuters . Please waive at any time during the preceding thirty-six months all taxes and subsidies, employment, consultations, co-ownership or close relations with organizations whose interests may be affected by the publication of the response. Please also list any non-financial associations or interests (personal, professional, political, institutional, religious or other) that a reasonable reader wishes to know about with respect to the work submitted. This concerns all the authors of the play, their spouses or partners. The agreement should provide a framework for the development of operational procedures in order to be able to react together and quickly to disasters.

The agreement will contain provisions on the movement of aid operations, the acceleration of customs and immigration operations, etc. The intervention of military and civilian personnel in disaster relief and the establishment of a regional disaster relief coordination centre have been proposed under the agreement. The agreement will also include provisions for the establishment of an ASEAN Disaster Relief Fund. The agreement also provides for simulation exercises to regularly test emergency measures. Ibid., article 3, paragraphs 1 and 2. See also ILC, report on the thirty-third session (2011), chapter IX, Protection of persons in the event of disasters, draft article 11 and commentary on paragraph 2, item 619. 35. ASEAN Regional Forum, online: ASEAN . 34. Asean-Secretariat, “ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint” (2009), online: ASEAN -11. .

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