Agreement On Trade In Services And Investment

Agreement On Trade In Services And Investment

With over 34 years of experience, Cowater International is the global leader in management consulting services, specializing in international development and has led the implementation of more than 800 projects in more than 80 countries around the world. We work with governments, partner organizations, municipalities and civil society to develop and implement sustainable solutions that have sustainable social, financial and environmental impacts. Our adaptive management approach led to our award-winning work and recognition as one of the best managed companies in Canada in 2017 and 2018. Cowater International is headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, with corporate offices in Montreal, Quebec City, Paris, France, Pretoria, South Africa, and London, United Kingdom, Nairobi, Kenya, as well as project offices at a large number of other locations in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Despite these successes, 22.2% of the population remained below the poverty line in 2015, poverty reduction slowed, much of the economy remains informal, the regulatory environment is uncertain (mainly gaps in the regulatory system), which has a negative impact on the investment climate (World Business Economic Ranking of 113), and corruption (international transparency ranking of 132). The initiative to include services in the Uruguay Round came from OECD countries. The growing importance of trade in services in global economic relations has highlighted the need for a rules-based framework, which would involve in particular the most advanced non-OECD members. Once this objective has been achieved, this document will provide a detailed description of the new global rules on trade in services. Over seven years (2018-2025), EDM will invest CAD 16.5 million to help Canada`s trading partners in developing countries negotiate, implement, adapt and use trade and investment agreements with Canada.

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